====== Linux from Scrach ======
[[http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/|Linux from Scrach]]
====== Give sudo access to only a particular command ======
# Make a new group, web (call it what you wish)
sudo addgroup web
# Add your developer(s) to the web group (use their login name).
sudo usermod -a -G web your_developer(s)
# Then run sudo visudo
# Add in a line
%web ALL=(ALL) /usr/bin/service apache2 *
# The developers can then run
sudo service apache2 *
**Do NOT add your admin user to the web group**
====== Hardware information ======
* inxi -Fx
* lscpu
* lshw -short
* hwinfo --short
* lspci
* lsscsi
* lsusb
* lsblk
* df -h
* fdisk -l
* mount | column -t
* free -m
* dmidecode
* cat /proc/cpuinfo
* cat /proc/version
* cat /proc/scsi/scsi
* cat /proc/partitions
* hdparm -i /dev/sda
* lstopo
====== ldap ======
===== Coredump =====
Disable coredump
sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=|/bin/false
ulimit -c 0