====== set time ====== date --set="23 June 1988 10:00:00" date --set="10:00:00" Set the Hardware Clock to the current System Time # hwclock --systohc Set the System Time from the Hardware Clock. # hwclock --hctosys ====== update via ntp ====== via ntpd sudo service ntp stop sudo ntpd -gq sudo service ntp start via ntpdate ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com ====== ntp server ====== 如果出現 ''Server dropped: strata too high'',在 ntp.conf 新增以下 server fudge stratum 8 參考 * http://superuser.com/questions/302396/how-to-set-current-time-on-linux * http://askubuntu.com/questions/254826/how-to-force-a-clock-update-using-ntp * http://superuser.com/questions/181341/how-to-check-if-ntp-adjusted-system-time-on-linux